Debu 2 Global Offensive (CSGO) is one of the most popular maps for Counter-Strike. Unique layouts are available, including long range and short range. The map is divided into two halves, the top half. This guide provides strategies for each section and describes the best strategies to use in Dust 2.
This map can be regarded as a map with a relatively simple structure in the CSGO game. It is also easy for novice players to get started, and the overall color of the map is relatively bright, and the distance to the guns is relatively far, so simple weapons can be fired quickly. kill the enemy
top half
Top Dust 2 is suitable for counter terrorism (CTS) to determine the defensive capability. The CTS has many hideouts and hideouts for terrorists (TS) to carry out ambushes. The most important thing to remember in the first half is that you should always spread. It is more effective for TS to take out all teammates early.
Another good strategy to use above is setting up shots. This means that at least a minimum number of CTs need to be placed in different positions to photograph the same region. This allowed for more effective area control and lower wingspan.
lower part
2 The lower half of Dust is relatively open, which is not suitable for defensive games. Here, TS can be pushed into ct eggs. That's why it's important to keep whistles going rather than to fix them.
While advertising, ts need to be careful. If you are not careful it can be hidden in a corner, wall co. and Ambush T. With TS, it is also important to keep them under control and not accumulate in the same area.
in conclusion
DUST 2 is one of the most popular maps in CSGO and offers many strategies for CT and TS. The key to the whistle is to spread and cross each other. TS also needs to be spread, so be careful when propagating it. With the right strategy, teams can use Dust 2 and respond successfully.